compile function Get_Column_Values(CHARSTR tablename, CHARSTR column) rowdef CHARSTR * Use this routine to get 1 non-indexed column values from all rows * of a table. Returns @FM list for quick events on dropdown. * Column can be the dict name or field #. Key column or 0 is OK. equate true$ to 1 equate false$ to 0 list = '' open tablename to file then if num(column) then field = column end else field = xlate('DICT.':tablename,column,2,'X') end if field = '' then status = Set_Status('1','The column name ':column:' is not found in table ':tablename:'.') return '' end select file done = false$ loop readnext id else done = true$ until done if field then read record from file, id then if list then list:= @FM list:= record end end else if list then list:= @FM list:= id end repeat end else status = Set_FSError() end RETURN list